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Customs House

Sydney’s Customs House, the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Architecture Festival engaged me to curate and design an exhibition of David Moore’s photographs to augment the 40th anniversary celebrations of the opening of the Sydney Opera House.

The Opera House exhibition included a large scale installation of photographs on plinths on the forecourt of Customs House and an exhibition inside Customs House. Edmund Capon kindly agreed to do the honours of opening the exhibition. The external exhibition exposed pedestrians who would not necessarily visit a gallery to experience Moore’s photographic ‘take’ on the construction of the Opera House. It was facinating to watch peoples responses as they walked by.

The Opera House exhibition was so popular that the following year I was again engaged by both Customs House and the Sydney Architecture Festival to produce an exhibition of Moore’s photographs of the construction of the Anzac Bridge to tie in to the Architectural Festivals yearly theme. This time David Marr kindly agreed to open the exhibition.

Photo credit (Customs House forecourt): Jamie Williams Photography.